Quick Facts
- Project: Expo 2010 Shanghai – German Pavilion
- Task: project management
- Client: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
- Period: 2007-2011, competition phase,
planning phase, construction phase,
technical facility management, decommissioning - Budget: 30 Mio. €

Expo 2010 Shanghai
The Düsseldorf based office of Laumann / Scheßl / Weismüller Architektur und Baumanagement GmbH (LSW) has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) with the project management for the German Pavilion at the Expo in Shanghai 2010 after a Europe-wide call for tenders. The scope of works includes supervising the whole project from the initial competition through planning, construction, technical facillity management to decommissioning.
The unity of exhibition concept and architecture in support of the key message of the Expo is the overriding objective in Germany’s EXPO participations. To achieve this goal, the Federal Ministry is awarding the exhibition concept, planning, construction and technical operating services in one contract to a consortium of bidders.
LSW was involved in the development of this innovative procurement procedure and is responsible for controlling the implementation of the agreed qualities, deadlines and compliance with the budget.
LSW has acquired the necessary competence in the role of planning architect of world exhibition pavilions in the past and in the conception and implementation of innovative procedures for the realization of infrastructure projects of public clients, especially of the federal government.
An essential factor for the successful realization of World Fair Pavilions, based on this holistic procedure, is the clear and fair transfer of risks to the partners of the consortium. The distribution of risks between the public owner and the consortium must be carried out in accordance with the principle „each bears the risk which he can best influence“ prior to commissioning. Another important factor is the partnership approach to the consortium. Strict adherence to the budget frame is achieved through transparent cost documentation as well as solution-oriented intervention on the part of the client in the event of conflict.
The most important success factor, however, is the passion of all responsible participants in the realization of a world exhibition pavilion, be it the implementing companies, the designers, architects, building contractors or controllers. Creating the basis for maintaining this passion among all partners, even in difficult conflict situations, is the primary goal of the work of LSW.